Saturday, May 28, 2011

The fashion police--How old is too old?

A lot has been mentioned in the news about when you're too old for bikinis, stiletto heels and pony tails. Well, when I first heard this, I wondered "who" said it. My first instinct was some random fashion police. Maybe women who grew-up in the age when those rules were hard and fast. The days when a lady never wore white shoes to San Francisco after Labor Day, and always wore stockings with a skirt, even in 90 degree heat.
 I grew-up with these rules and they sucked. I remember being in the throws of a summer heatwave and my mom making me wear pantyhose to some dressy function. Sweating through the synthetic nylons was awful, as they stuck to my skin and trapped my body heat. I would get heat rashes as I'm sure many women did. Even worse was the fact that I abided by these rules when I got a 'real' job working in a corporate office. One didn't dare go into an office bare legged. It wasn't long before I started wearing pants so I could avoid the dreaded pantyhose. Of course, in winter I could don tights, so it wasn't so bad. It's no wonder that women started dressing like men in the 80's. They were much more comfortable in trousers and flats, and so was I. But who wants to look like a man?
 I don't know who I have to thank for the bare-legged trend, but I'm grateful. I know European woman have been going bare-legged in summer for decades before it was fashionable to do so in the U.S. So I suspect it had something to do with them, but who was the catalyst that made it acceptable here? Some credit Carrie Bradshaw-- the character from Sex in the City. If that is true, then they are actually crediting  Patricia Fields, the head costume designer and stylist of that fashion iconic show. Patricia is brilliant and always on the cutting edge, so please give credit where it's due.
 Anyway, back to these fashion police...who are they to tell us when we have to stop wearing things? And more importantly, who are we to follow them? Wear what you want. Wear what looks good on you. Wear what you are comfortable in.
That said, there are reasons that most women over 50 shouldn't wear a bikini. Most wouldn't wear it well. Some very fit people do look fantastic. But if you don't,  and if you still want to wear it, then I say go ahead, it's your life, live it the way you want! Here's one little question: why do you want to? Personally, I think a 1 piece, or maillot, can be sexier and more comfortable than a bikini. It's also more practical for swimming, water sports and coverage. But everyone has their reasons, and who am I to tell them otherwise? Men don't seem to care as much about what they wear and they seem a lot less anxious.

It's time to start pleasing yourself. Sure, there will always be those who dispense advice. Some of it is good and valid and can enhance your image and style. Some of it just neutralizes us to all be the same or fit inside a box and that is the last thing fashion should be about. So most importantly, wear what makes you happy. Be you.

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