Friday, April 8, 2011

Can I blog to lose weight? Day 1

Okay so I had a random thought...Can I lose weight simply by blogging? I hate diets. What I hate most about dieting is that while dieting I am constantly thinking about food. All day long. Breakfast? What's on my diet? Mid morning? oh --I'm 'supposed' to eat a snack...etc..etc... that's all I do ALL DAY LONG is think about food. What can I have? What can't I have? I don't even like food that much. I mean, sure, I eat like everyone else, and if you look at me, most would say I eat more than I need to. But I'm bored by food. I'm not a foodie. I like a nice meal, but maybe its because I've had to cook for my family for 22+ years that I rarely enjoy cooking. That, and the fact that I've never had a great kitchen. But I digress, the kitchen issue saga is for another day. Back to this blog...
I had two eggs for breakfast. Not bad. Except they were Cadbury Eggs .
 You know, those delicious chocolate eggs with the yellow and white cream filling that looks like the inside of an egg? Yeah, they do that so you'll believe it's good for you. At least that's what I tell myself every spring when the stores start stocking them in the easter candy aisle and I'm drawn to them like a vampire to a fresh neck.
Anyway, so I don't eat great. Well sometimes I do. I do love Veggies and fruit and fish and generally healthy things. But I know this about myself: 1) I'm a lazy eater and 2) I have a horrible sweet tooth. So at my laziest I'll eat Cadbury eggs for breakfast. You don't have to cook them and they are sweet, plus they go great with Trader Joes French roast coffee.
So here is my premise, an experiment if you will...I am going to blog everyday about weight, food, image, clothes and other related topics to see if merely by being mindful about it-- I will lose weight.
Like most American women, I have successfully lost weight on a diet before. And like most women, overtime I have gained it back. One of the things that help me to lose weight is accountability. The weigh-in. I know that when I did weight watchers  the weekly weigh-in was a big motivator (at least the night before). So I will weigh everyday and report-in on this blog.
Okay, here goes. Wait while I peel-off all my clothes...(oh I know they don't weigh that much--I want to accurate from day-to-day).
Yikes! That much? Wait, let me take off my watch and socks... Hey the scale went up a pound! How can that be? Hold on, maybe I have to reset it... What-- another pound?! This can't be right--why does it go up every time I step on it?!
Hold on, breathe, turn it off, then try it again. Here goes...
Okay it's a couple pounds less. I'll accept that. That weight will be my ground zero. Sorry, not telling. Just know that I should lose at least 25 pounds. 35 would make me really slim and my face gaunt and people would be telling me to gain weight, so I'll settle for anywhere between 25 and 30. And if I do, I will publish before and after photos. Really, I will. Afterall the experiment will have succeeded and I will no longer be ashamed of my exaggerated curves.
 So I have my all I have to do is stay away from the Cadbury eggs...
Item condition:--


  1. Ok let me try this again, Michelle

  2. Yeah, I think I did this. I love your blog, totally hits on the essence of being a woman trying to lost weight.
