Monday, April 11, 2011

Can I blog to lose weight?--Day 4

Okay the internet gods are toying with me.
 Like a lot of people, I subscribe to groupon, living social, and Yelp, for all of their great coupons and discounts. If you don't do it, I highly recommend you do. It's like getting free money. I have taken advantage of many offers --from mani-pedi deals to sailing on San Francisco Bay. I have even signed-up for deals in other cities where my family members live, so I could get deals for them too.  It stretches the gift-giving dollar and they have been delighted.
 Anyway, as I pulled-up my email this morning, I received deals on Southern Baked Goods (pies) and Krispy Kreme Donuts. It's just not fair waking-up to a life-sized photo of a scrumptious looking glazed donut. Thank God, it is not in my house or I would be typing with very sticky fingers. 
Okay, to be completely honest, I also received offers for a motorized bike tour and exercise classes at an exclusive state of the art gym. Funny how my fingers automatically hit the delete button on those. But it does lead me to comment on how there is something for everyone, yet most people just stay in their box and I'm not just talking about a bakery box.They stay with what they know, what they grew-up with. This makes them comfortable, secure. Maybe it even makes them very good at something. In order to master a skill, it helps to learn it when you are young and agile, especially an athletic endeavor that takes years to master, such as horseback riding, martial arts or tennis. 

If you didn't grow-up doing something or, at the very least, being exposed to something, how likely are you to take it up later in life? I think that takes a bit of courage. A willingness to look foolish for a while.
I've always been on the rather adventurous side, trying many things... (okay I have my limits-- I have yet to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and I will not go bungy jumping no matter how cute the guide is)... but I am master of none. I never stuck with anything long enough to get really, really good at it. Maybe boredom set in, maybe it was just too challenging, maybe something else caught my interest. No matter, I'm pretty happy going from this-to-that and it gives me a lot to talk to people about.
 An easy way to make people feel good about themselves is to admit your difficulty doing an activity that they have mastered. But I think that is exactly what I was exposed to as a kid: trying new things, exploring, going places.  So in a way, I am like most people. I operate in my comfort zone of trying new things and moving-on before I truly master them. 
I think this is also true when it comes to food. We eat what we are familiar with--comfort food when we are feeling particularly vulnerable. And we are more likely to step out of our comfort zone/the familiar when we are feeling confident or are just unafraid of appearing foolish. So try that creepy looking sushi, those slimy looking vegetables, that, that... tofu.  Courage, my friend, courage.
Day 4 weigh in:  -.2lbs. Oh well tomorrow is another day.

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