Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can I blog to lose weight--Day 2

New discovery: Cheese puffs taste horrible with coffee. I know what you're she's having cheese puffs for breakfast! No, not really, at least not today. Okay I had one. I told you I am pretty lazy, and the cheese puffs just happened to be on the counter. Well I did have to pry open the container to get one out. But, trust me, have one with coffee and you won't want any more. So, no I did not succumb to a bowl of cheese puffs for breakfast. Nor did I indulge in the sumptuous pancakes I made for my son and his friend. (Being the last of three children remaining at home--he often has a friend sleepover).
Hmmm...maybe this blog is working? Well I confess it did cross my mind and so I decided to make scrambled eggs too. I heard recently that you should always have a protein when you are eating carbs. Pasta with meat or fish, pancakes with eggs or bacon, bread with peanut butter...
Anyway so it crossed my mind to have the pancakes with my eggs (the real kind today), but I resisted--for now. The day is early after all.

Earlier this morning, my thoughtful husband offered me a slice of toast. I don't usually eat right away, so I declined. Later, when I offered him coffee, he asked for the last piece of toast. ( Note to self--grocery store trip later). Boy that sounded pretty good, now that I was actually awake and starting to get hungry--but alas, he had claimed it. I'm sure he would have offered it to me had I wanted it, but that's not the point of my story... get to the point...
The point is having food available when you are ready to eat it.
 I grew-up with 3 brothers. (We are all close in age). They were eating constantly, especially in high school. In my house, if you didn't eat when food was available, i.e. when the grocery bags were brought in from the car, you didn't get it. They were like vultures swooping-in on their prey. So consequently, I learned to eat when food was available rather than when I was hungry. I blame some of my poor eating habits on this (sorry Mom). And as I have gotten older and become a mother myself, I noticed that this behavior was not exclusive to my brothers, but to most members of the male persuasion.

 Have  you ever hid food? Or put your name on something so it wouldn't be eaten?
If I don't do this with something I particularly like, it is gone before I have a chance to taste it.
Case in point? Lemonade. I don't drink much juice. Not apple juice or OJ, not milk (unless it's in coffee). But I do like lemonade. I buy all kinds of juices and drinks for other members of my household. You think they could save some lemonade for me? Why don't I just buy more you ask? I've tried that. It doesn't work, it's gone too. Anyway, I think I need to go back to writing notes on it. But I just hate doing so territorial. What the alternative? I know, I know, drink more water...I'll have to...
the lemonade is gone.

Okay the big weigh in... Day 2
+3lbs. Maybe I need a new scale? I know-- not good. But before the panic sets in, I must remind myself that I'm tall and a 5lb fluctuation is hardly noticeable. So, hello motivation...time to take a walk.

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